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Attendance Matters

Our attendance target for each pupil is at least 94% over the school year. 

Attendance at school is a crucial part of your child's educational, social and emotional development. We need all parents and carers to support us in maintaining high standards of attendance across all year groups, so please inform us of any absences, provide medical evidence for ongoing absences, and show any medical appointment letters to the school office to have absences authorised. We ask that contact is made with the school office every day of absence before 9.30am ensuring that the school knows where your child is. You can do this by calling the school on 01685 871520 and leave a message providing the exact reason for illness.

We work very closely with the Attendance and Wellbeing Service to ensure that we reach our target of 94%. Please support us in maintaining high standards of attendance at Town Church, and do not hesitate to contact us at the school if you require any additional advice or guidance. 

The Attendance and Wellbeing service will be working closely with families to improve attendance over this academic year. The service will include pupil workshops, presence on the school gates and the continuous audit of pupil's attendance. It is important for both school and families that information regarding pupil absence is transparent. Therefore, please ensure that if your child is absent from school, school policies are adhered to. If you require support, please do not hesitate to contact the school and discuss this with our attendance lead, Mrs B Hallam.